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All module classes run from 9 am to 6 pm.


Practitioner training includes seven 2-day modules. Six for learning and reviewing procedures with Module 7 for

practical assessment. 


You are welcome to take just one module, or two or three! Anyone can learn this work; there are no prerequisites. The tools you take away

are incredibly useful for helping friends and family.  A few moves can be life changing


A month of practice time after each module is required by the Academy; two modules together  requires two months of practice. Familiarity

with the procedures is essential. We review and fine tune previously learned work in each class.

Modules 1-4 may be attended individually.  Modules build on each other so must be in sequence.


Additional classes will be added to the schedule to provide full training courses. Please contact Ainslee for future dates.

No one will be left without options!


Wellness classes and Review Days at any level may be requested. Please ask to schedule.




 Modules 05 and 06


These are the fifth and sixth classes of seven for practitioner training. Held in Nottingham, NH.


17- January - 2025 to 20- January- 2025-  Cost is $960; $900 if paid in full by December 12.


Review of all previous work and additional ways to help neck and shoulder problems.  Coccyx, protocols for Scoliosis, Bedwetting, Conception, with some special focus procedures.



Modules 01 and 02 


These are the first and second classes of seven for practitioner training. Held in Nottingham, NH.

 These classes may be taken separately. 


  07- February-2025 to 10- February-2025-  Cost is $960; $900 if paid in full by January 15.

 Individual module cost $480; $450 paid 22 days in advance. Please see work included below.


 A registration fee of $95 is due at Module 1. Please make check payable to American Bowen Academy (annual renewal is $50).

 Please contact Ainslee with any questions.


Module 01 


This is the first class of seven for practitioner training. Held in Nottingham, NH.


 07- February-2025 to 08- February-2025-  Cost is $480; $450 if paid in full by January 15.


Learn to balance the body with procedures that address all spinal nerves, and Kidney and Head procedures.


A registration fee of $95 is due at class. Please make check payable to American Bowen Academy (annual renewal is $50).

Please contact Ainslee with any questions.




Module 02 


This is the second class of seven for practitioner training. Held in Nottingham, NH.


 09- February-2025 to 10- February-2025-  Cost is $480; $450 if paid in full by January 15.


Review of Module 1, with procedures for Respiratory, Hamstrings, Shoulder and Cramp.


Please contact Ainslee with any questions.




 Review Day


 One day refresher class for anyone. Recommended prior to Module 7.


 07- March- 2025 - Cost is $195.




 Module 07


 Assessment for Certification. Modules 1 - 6 are required prerequisites.


08- March- 2025 to 09- March - 2025- Cost is $530; $500 if paid in full by February 14.


 Review Day offered prior: 07 - March-2025 -  Cost is $195.




 Module 08


 Practitioner review and additional procedures. Fun class! Held in Nottingham, NH.


 29- March- 2025 to 30- March- 2025. Cost is $530; $500 if paid in full by March 7.




 â€‹Modules 03 and 04


 These are the third and fourth classes of seven for practitioner training. Held in Nottingham, NH.


 11- April-2025 to 014- April-2025-  Cost is $960; $900 if paid in full by March 20.


Review of modules 1 & 2 work, with additional procedures to address joints and all systems.


 Individual module cost is $480; $450 paid in advance.




 Modules 05 and 06


These are the fifth and sixth classes of seven for practitioner training. Held in Nottingham, NH.


20- June - 2025 to  23- January- 2025-  Cost is $960; $900 if paid in full by December 12.


Review of all previous work and additional ways to help neck and shoulder problems.  Coccyx, protocols for Scoliosis, Bedwetting, Conception, with some special focus procedures.




Wellness- Introduction to Bowenwork 


This is a 4 hour introductory class. Learn 15 powerful emergency moves! 


 To be scheduled. Will travel for a minimum of 8 students. 


Cost is $95 and includes a manual designed for the needs of beginners. Space is limited, please register early.

Please contact Ainslee with interest in hosting a class, for more information or with any questions. 

Host a class and attend free!


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